Charitable status

SMA Ireland is registered with the Irish Charities Regulator as a Patient Organisation under the Health and Care Services classification. The registered name is Spinal Muscular Atrophy Ireland Foundation CLG, and the charity number is 2020 6282. For more information see:


As a registered charity, the SMA Ireland directors (trustees) have individual and joint responsibility for what happens within SMA Ireland. The directors commit to the core standards of the Charities Governance Code, namely:

1. Complying with the SMA Ireland constitution.
(Please find a copy of this document here: SMA Ireland Constitution)
2. Managing SMA Ireland's resources responsibly.
3. Ensuring that SMA Ireland is carrying out charitable purposes for public benefit.
4. Being accountable for, and complying with all legal responsibilities.
5. Acting in the best interest of SMA Ireland and its members.
6. Performing at all times with reasonable skill, care and diligence.